Olympic National Park, Washington, United States.
The trees at Hoh Rainforest look ghostly, with their trunks and branches completely covered in moss. The ground is also hidden under ferns, contributing to this theatrical atmosphere within a spectacular green, natural stage.
Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado, United States. In this dune detail, the warm, soft lights of sunset, along with the blue tones of shade,... View full product details
Guadalix de la Sierra, Madrid, Spain. This Common Poppy (Papaver rhoeas) appears isolated in an impressionist-like sea of out-of-focus red dots. An abstraction of a... View full product details
Olympic National Park, Washington, United States. Hiking Sol Duc Rainforest means diving into a world of giant trees that barely separate from each other to allow... View full product details
Onopordum acanthium. Guadalix de la Sierra, Madrid, Spain. The Cotton Thistle is an impressive plant in size, full of sharp thorns. However, this composition almost... View full product details